Bernard Lacaze

      CV       PUBLICATIONS 1997 -2007 PUBLICATIONS 2008 -2011 PUBLICATIONS 2012 -2016


bernard lacaze

Bernard Lacaze is currently with TeSA (Telecommunications for Space and Aeronautics Laboratory).
His research activity mainly focuses on regular or irregular sampling  of functions and random processes.
He has also developed models of propagation based on random delays.

Address: 14/16 Port St-Etienne, 31000 Toulouse, France

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Papers in Journals

Behavior of ultrasounds crossing perfluorocarbon liquids and random propagation times
           B. Lacaze, Ultrasonics, 63 (2015) 130-134.
The Stokes decomposition theorem for three-dimensional stationary field
           B. Lacaze, Optics Communications, 355 (11) (2015) 64-73.
Stable laws modeling random propagation times
           B. Lacaze, ArXiv Optics 1411.5249 (19-11-2014).
Characteristics of the DC/AC Ratio of Radar Backscatter from Trees
           B. Lacaze, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Elec. Systems, 50 (1) (2014) 364-370.
Errors due to demodulation in measurements of laser beam envelope and phase
           B. Lacaze, Optics Communications,  322 (7-2014) 82-89.
Equivalent Circuit for the PNS3 Sampling
           B. Lacaze, Sampling Th. in Sign.  Im. Processing, 12 (2-3) (2013) 245-265).
A Paradox about the Analytic Signal of Laser Beams
           B. Lacaze, The Open Optics Journal, 7 (2013) 1-4.
Equivalent random propagation time for coaxial cables
           B. Lacaze, ArXiv physics.ins-det  1209-4780 (24-9-2012).
Filtering from PNS2 Sampling
           B. Lacaze, Sampling Th. in Sign.  Im. Processing,  11 (1) (2012) 43-53.
Backscattering from trees explained by random propagation times
           B. Lacaze, IEEE Trans. Geos. And Remote Sensing, 50 (10-2) (2012) 4000-4005.
About the Bidimensional Beer-Lambert Law
           B. Lacaze, ArXiv Optics 1202-1103v1 (7-2-2012).

Communications with acts

Estimation du retard en échantillonnage périodique non uniforme
           J-A Vernhes, M. Chabert , B. Lacaze…,  GRETSI, Lyon (9.2015).
Reconstruction et filtrage linéaire avec échantillonnage irrégulier
           D. Bonacci, B. Lacaze, GRETSI, Lyon (9.2015).
Adaptative Estimation and Compensation of the Time Delay in a PNS Scheme
            J-A Vernhes, M. Chabert , B. Lacaze…,  SAMPTA, Washington DC (5.2015).
Lowpass/Bandpass signal reconstruction and digital filtering from nonuniform samples
            D. Bonacci, B. Lacaze, ICASSP, Brisbane (4.2015).
A New Approach to Spectral Estimation from Irregular Sampling
            D. Bonacci, B. Lacaze,  Eusipco, Lisbon (9.2014).
Selective analytic signal reconstruction from a non-uniformly sampled bandpass signal
            J-A Vernhes, M. Chabert , B. Lacaze,  ICASSP, Florence (5.2014)).
La mesure des spectres et l’échantillonnage irrégulier des fonctions d’autocorrélation
            D. Bonacci, B. Lacaze, GRETSI, Brest (9.2013).
Conversion Numérique-Analogique selective d’un signal passé-bande soumis à des interferences
            J-A Vernhes, M. Chabert , B. Lacaze,  GRETSI, Brest (9.2013).
Non Uniform Sampling for Remote Sensing Images
          M. Chabert , B. Lacaze,  IGARSS, Munich (7.2012).
Fast convergence reconstruction for PNS2
            M. Chabert , B. Lacaze,  ICASSP, Kyoto (3.2012).



Papers in Journals

New Formulas for Irregular Sampling of Two-Bands Signals
           B. Lacaze, J. of Signal and Information Processing, 2 (4) (2011) 253-256.
About the Stokes decomposition theorem of waves
           B. Lacaze, Optics Communications, (2011).
About sampling for band-limited Linear Canonical Transform
           B. Lacaze, Signal Processing, 91 (4) (2011) 1076-1078.
Beams Propagation Modelled by Bi-filters
           B. Lacaze, Elec. J. of Theoretical Physics., 7 (24) (2010) 1-26.
Equivalent Circuits for the PNS2 Sampling Scheme
           B. Lacaze, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems 1, 57 (11) (2010) 2904-2914.
Random Propagation Times in Ultrasonics
           B. Lacaze, Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2  (1)(2010) 179-190.
About Bi-periodic Samplings
           B. Lacaze, Sampl. Theory Signal  Image Process.,  8 (3) (2009) 287-306.
A Stochastic Model for Propagation through Tissue
           B. Lacaze, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelec. Freq. Contr., 56 (10) (2009) 2180-2186.
Gaps of FSO beams with the Beer-Lambert law
           B. Lacaze, Applied Optics, 48 (14)(2009) 2702-2706.
Simple Errorless Formulas when Missing Samples
           B. Lacaze, Open Electrical and Electronic Eng.  J. , 3(2009) 17-20.
Gaussian Delay Models for Light Broadenings and Redshifts
           B. Lacaze, Elec. J. of Theoretical Physics,  6 (20) (2009) 385-398.
The Ghost Sampling Sequence Method
           B. Lacaze, Sampl. Theory Signal  Image Process.,  8 (1) (2009) 13-21.
Theoretical spectrum of noisy optical pulse trains
           B. Lacaze, M. Chabert, Applied Optics, 47 (18) (2008) 3231-3240.
Weakenings and Redshifts Induced by Random Propagation Times
           B. Lacaze, Optics Communications, 281 (10) (2008) 2740-2745.

Communications with acts

Formules de reconstruction améliorées pour le PNS2
         M. Chabert , B. Lacaze,  Gretsi, Bordeaux (9.2011).
A Propagation Model Based on Stationary Random Delays
          P. Michel, B. Lacaze, SSP,  Nice (6.2011).
Aliasing mitigation using periodic nonuniform sampling
          W. Chauvet, B. Lacaze, SSAP, Cardiff (9.2009).
Influence d’un échantillonnage irrégulier sur les performances de la reconstruction
          W. Chauvet, M. Chabert, B. Lacaze, Gretsi, Dijon (9.2009).
Formules de reconstruction exactes pour processus suréchantillonnés avec éch. manquants
          B. Lacaze, N. Thomas, Gretsi, Dijon (9.2009).




Papers in Journals

An Interpolation-based Watermarking Scheme
V. Martin, M. Chabert, B. Lacaze, Signal Processing 88 (3) (2008) 539-557.

Spreading Properties of Periodic Clock Changes
W. Chauvet, B. Lacaze, D. Roviras, A. Duver, Sig. Proc. 88 (2) (2008) 221-236.

About the Gaussian-Schell Pulse Train Spectrum
B. Lacaze, Optics Express, 15 (6) (2007) 2803-2809.

A Stochastic Model for Acoustic Attenuation
B. Lacaze, Waves in Random and Complex Media 17 (3) (2007) 343-356.

An unifying model for spectra of transmitted monochromatic waves
B. Lacaze, Wave Motion 44 (2006) 70-76.

Power Spectra for Laser-Extinction Measurements
B. Lacaze, M. Chabert, Optics Express 14 (13) (2006) 6011-6019.

New reconstruction formula for oversampled processes or functions
B. Lacaze, M. Chabert, Signal Processing 86 (2006) 2827-2835.

A stochastic model for backscattering on the sea
B. Lacaze, Waves in Random and Complex Media, 16 (1) (2006) 69-74.

A Spread Spectrum Watermarking Scheme Based on Periodic Clock Changes for Digital Images V. Martin, M Chabert, B. Lacaze, Lecture Notes in Computer Sc, 3727
Springer- Verlag (2005) 91-105.

A Theoretical Exposition of Stationary Processes Sampling
B. Lacaze, Sampl. Theory Signal Image Process., 4 (3) (2005) 201-230.

Reconstruction formula for irregular sampling
B. Lacaze, Sampl. Theory Signal Image Process., 4 (1) (2005) 33-43.

Théorie élémentaire de l’échantillonnage périodique des fonctions à énergie finie
B. Lacaze, Traitement du Signal, 21 (2) (2004) 129-140.

Random Process Reconstruction from Multiple Noisy Sources Observations
B. Lacaze, C. Mailhes, Sampl. Theory Signal Image Process., 3 (3) (2004) 257-277.

Matched shapes for uniform sampling
B. Lacaze, Stat. and Prob. Letters, 70 (22) (2004) 127-135.

Spectral properties of scattered light fluctuations
B. Lacaze, Optics Communications, 232 (2004) 83-90.

Reconstruction of Sampled Complex Processes with Timing Jitter
B. Lacaze, C. Mailhes, Sampl. Theory Signal Image Process., 3 (2) (2004) 133-156.

Echantillonnage adapté à l’extraction des signaux
B. Lacaze, Traitement du Signal, 20 (4) (2003) 313-322.

Errorless uniform sampling of complex stationary processes
B. Lacaze, Signal Processing, 83 (55) (2003) 913-917.

Interlaced sampling corrupted by noise
B. Lacaze, C. Mailhes, Sampl. Theory Signal Image Process., 1 (3) (2002) 185-205.

Effect of random permutations applied to random sequences and related applications
B. Lacaze, D. Roviras, Signal Processing, 82 (2002) 821-831.

Improving the Nyquist rate for complex stationary process sampling
B. Lacaze, Sampl. Theory Signal Image Process., 1 (1) (2002) 33-51.

Reconstruction of stationary processes sampled at random times
B. Lacaze, Nonuniform Sampling- Theory and Practice, Marvasti, (2001) 361-390.

On the Use of Periodic Clock Changes to Implement Periodic Time-Varying Filters
A. Duverdier, B. Lacaze, IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. 2, 47 (2000) 1152-1158.

About a Multi-periodic Sampling Scheme
B. Lacaze, IEEE Signal Proc. Lett., 6 (12) (1999) 307-308.

La formule d’échantillonnage et A. L. Cauchy.
B. Lacaze, Traitement du Signal, 14 (4) (1998) 289-295.

Periodic bi-sampling of stationary processes
B. Lacaze, Signal Processing, 68 (3) (1998) 283-293.

Modeling the HF channel with Gaussian random delays.
B. Lacaze, Signal Processing, 64 (2) (1998) 215-220.

A random equivalent transit time for backscattering on trees
B. Lacaze, Signal Processing , 58 (2) (1997) 223-225.

Calcul des spectres de puissance des processus à caractère cyclostationnaire
B. Lacaze, Traitement du Signal, 14 (1) (1997) 63-71.

Communications with acts

A New Formula for Lost Sample Restoration
B. Lacaze, M. Chabert, Eusipco, Poznan (9.2007).

Higher Order Statistics for Laser-Extinction Measurements
B. Lacaze, M. Chabert, Eusipco, Poznan (9.2007).

Une formule d’interpolation exacte pour l’échantillonnage aléatoire
B. Lacaze, M. Chabert, Gretsi, Troyes (9.2007).

Masques perceptuels sur l’interpolation en tatouage numérique
V. Martin, M. Chabert, B. Lacaze, Gretsi, Troyes (9.2007).

Un modèle cyclostationnaire pour les mesures d’extinction laser
B. Lacaze, M. Chabert, Gretsi, Troyes (9.2007).

Digital watermarking of natural images based on LPTV filters
V. Martin, M. Chabert, B. Lacaze, ICASSP, Haway (5.2007).

Substitutive Watermarking Algorithm Based on Interpolation
V. Martin, M. Chabert, B. Lacaze, Eusipco, Florence (9.2006).

Study of the effect of the interleavers on the power spectral density…
W. Chauvet, B. Lacaze, D. Roviras, ICASSP, Toulouse (5.2006).

A novel watermarking scheme based on bilinear interpolation for digital images
V. Martin, M. Chabert, B. Lacaze, ICASSP, Toulouse (5.2006).

Construction de filtres LPTV orthogonaux pour un système d’accès multiples
W. Chauvet, B. Lacaze, D. Roviras, A. Duverdier, Gretsi, Bruges (9.2005).

Un algorithme de tatouage d’images reposant sur les CHP
V. Martin, M. Chabert, B. Lacaze, Gretsi, Bruges (9.2005).

Single and Multiple Spread Spectrum Watermarking based on Periodic Clock Changes
V. Martin, M. Chabert, B. Lacaze, Eusipco, Antalya (9.2005).

Analysis banks, synthesis banks, LPTV filters : proposition of an equivalence definition
W. Chauvet, B. Lacaze, D. Roviras, A. Duverdier, Eusipco, Antalya (9.2005).

A Spread Spectrum Watermarking Scheme based on Periodic Clock Changes
V. Martin, M. Chabert, B. Lacaze, 7th Inf. Hidding Workshop, Barcelona (6.2005).

Can timing jitter improve random process reconstruction in presence of aliasing ?
B. Lacaze, C. Mailhes, ICASSP, Montreal, (5.2004).

Design of orthogonal LPTV filters : applications to spread spectrum multiple access
W. Chauvet, B. Lacaze, D. Roviras, A. Duverdier, ICASSP, Montreal, (5.2004).

Characterization of a set of invertible LPTV filters using circulant matrices
W. Chauvet, B. Lacaze, D. Roviras, A. Duverdier, ICASSP, Hong-Kong, (4.2003).

Formes d’échantillonnage adaptées à la gigue
B. Lacaze, C. Mailhes, GRETSI, Paris (9.2003).

Influence of a random integration width on periodic sampling
C. Mailhes, B. Lacaze, ICASSP, Orlando, Florida, (5.2002).

Effects of discrete LPTV on stationary signals
D. Roviras, B. Lacaze, N. Thomas, ICASSP, Orlando, Florida, (5.2002).

Utilisation de filtres linéaires périodiques lors d'un accès multi-utilisateurs en MF-TDMA
A. Duverdier, N. Aakwaag, B. Lacaze, GRETSI, Toulouse, (9/2001).

Jitter effects in a multipath environment
C. Mailhes, B. Lacaze, ICASSP, Salt Lake City, (5/2001).

On the use of cyclostationary filters to transmit information
A. Duverdier, B. Lacaze, J. Y. Tourneret, SSAP, Philadelphie, (9/2000).

Digital coding by means of linear periodic time-varying filters
A. Duverdier, B. Lacaze, Eusipco, Helsinki, (9/2000).

Using Clock Changes in Multipath Applications
B. Lacaze, C. Mailhes, F. Castanié, ICASSP, Ankara, (6/2000).

Uplink PPCMA through slow fading multipath channel
A. Hayar, B. Lacaze, D. Roviras, ICC, New-Orleans, (4/2000).

Periodic clock changes applied to multiple access
A. Hayar, B. Lacaze, D. Roviras, ISIVC, Rabat, (4/2000).

Introduction of linear cyclostationary filters to model time-variant channels
A. Duverdier, B. Lacaze, D. Roviras, Globecom, Rio de Janeiro, (12/1999).

Applications des changements d' horloge périodiques en télécommunications
A. Hayar, B. Lacaze, D. Roviras, DNAC, Paris, (12/1999).

Multiple access using periodic clock changes through slow fading multipath channels
A. Hayar, B. Lacaze, D. Roviras, MMTWC, Venise, (10/1999).

Comportement de l'enveloppe dans la transmission HF modélisée par des retards gaussiens.
M. Andrei, B. Lacaze, Gretsi, Vannes, (9/1999).

Periodic Clock Changes as Generalization of Multiple Access Technics.
A. Hayar, B. Lacaze, D. Roviras, HOS, Tel-Aviv, (6/1999).

Hopped Linear Time Varying Filters: Principles.
A. Hayar, A. Duverdier, B. Lacaze, D.Roviras, ICASSP, Phenix, (5/1999).

New Realization Method for LPTV Filters.
A. Duverdier, B. Lacaze, ICASSP, Phenix, (5/1999).

Power Spectral Densities in HF Transmissions with Random Delays.
M. Andrei, B. Lacaze, PSIP, Paris, (1/1999).

Study of Linear Cyclostationary Filters.
A. Duverdier, B. Lacaze, SSAP, Portland, (9/1998).

Transmission of Two Users by Means of Periodic Clock Changes.
A. Duverdier, B. Lacaze, ICASSP, Detroit, (5/1998).

About periodic sampling of complex processes.
B. Lacaze, IASTED, Islas Canarias, (2/1998).

Limited power spectral densities in multipath HF transmissions with random delays.
M. Andrei, B. Lacaze, IASTED, Islas Canarias, (2/1998).

Reconstruction non linéaire des processus gaussiens soumis à un jitter aléatoire
N. D. Aakvaag, B. Lacaze, GRETSI, Grenoble, (9/1997)

Influence des retards aléatoires sur les spectres de puissance
M. Andrei, B. Lacaze, GRETSI, Grenoble, (9/1997)

Sampling Jitter Detection using High-Order Statistics
J. Y. Tourneret, A. Ferrari, B. Lacaze, IEEE/SP Workshop on HOS, Banff , (7/1997)

Time-varying reconstruction of stationary processes subjected to analogue periodic
scrambling A. Duverdier, B. Lacaze, ICASSP, Munich, (7/1997)


Processus aléatoires pour les communications numériques.
B. Lacaze, Editions Hermes, 369 p.,2000.

Probabilités et Statistique appliquées. Résumé de cours et illustrations.
B. Lacaze, C. Mailhes, M. Maubourguet, J.Y. Tourneret, Editions CEPADUES, 335 p., 2006, 2ème ed.

Documents pédagogiques

Applications of Clock Changes in Telecommunications.
B. Lacaze, D. Roviras, IEEE/First Online Symposium of Electricians and Electronicians, http// (10/2000).

Les fonctions aléatoires stationnaires en traitement du signal.
B. Lacaze, Cours ENSEEIHT, 262p.

Introduction à la mécanique statistique des gaz. B. Lacaze, Cours ENSEEIHT, 174p.